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The Sacroiliac Joint

The sacroiliac joint is another spinal component which undergoes very large spinal stresses. Either the ligaments supporting the joints or the actual joint surfaces can be a source of low back pain and even refer pain into the lower extremities.

There are 2 sacroiliac joints formed by the articulation between the sacrum and 2 ilium bones of the pelvis. Like the other spinal structures, the sacroiliac joints can be injured through acute trauma, repetitive movements, and poor posture, to name a few.

Symptoms include lower back pain with the pain occasionally extending down the back of the leg. Additionally, hip pain, knee pain as well as foot and ankle pain may be present due to increased stress in those joints as a result of an alteration of pelvic biomechanics.

Sacroiliac problems are extremely common in pregnancy. During this time, the pelvis experiences many physical stresses due to weight and hormonal factors. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is essential in minimizing pelvic and spinal stresses. A study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology found 7 out of 10 women obtained sacroiliac pain relief from chiropractic spinal manipulation.

A simple but surprisingly effective way to identify pelvic misalignments is to check for uneven leg lengths. Lay on a flat surface then have friend or family member compare the bottom of both heels for symmetrical length. If there is any discrepancy between leg lengths you may have a pelvic or lower back misalignment.

Chiropractic adjustments are frequently applied to the ilium and sacrum to successfully normalize and restore sacroiliac joint position and biomechanics.

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