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Video Testimonials

"After 6 months of pain, physical therapy, and multiple doctor visits, I finally decided to see a chiropractor in hopes that an adjustment would help me alleviate some of the pain with my sciatic nerve. My first visit with Jason was nothing like I expected. After reviewing my MRI and the physical damage to my glute, he recommended Graston Technique to work out the damage to the tissue. He suggested to me that I could feel significantly better after about six sessions. I admit that I was skeptical, but willing to try anything at this point. I was very happy that I was wrong. Not only did I feel better, but the physical change in my glute muscle was incredible and was about 90% back to normal after just three weeks. I went from not being able to transition from a sitting to standing position without immense pain to being pain free most of the time. After 6 months of little progress, it is only due to the people at MoveWell that I can say that I am finally feeling better. I highly recommend them to anyone!" - Lisa, 40

"Thank you for all you and Dr. Jason do to change and help people in their life!!!!" - Cathy, 52

"I most highly recommend Jason Wolstenholme, a neighbor who lives on Howard St and works out of the Maltex building (MoveWellVT is the name of his business). I first saw Jason as a hail mary pass after suffering chronic back pain for 15 years and never finding a lasting solution. While I expected very little after striking out so many times, it took only a few appointments of adjustments and tissue massage to feel better than I ever have before. Jason gave me the tools to continue caring for myself on a daily basis, and I check in with him about once a month for a little bit of extra TLC." - Brendan, 35

"Having solved all of mine, I couldn’t recommend Jason more highly for whatever your musculoskeletal issues may be.I would recommend Jason Wolstenholme. His office is right down at the bottom of Howard St on Pine. He has a great ability to connect with patients and help them to understand what is going on with their bodies. He also gives great suggestions for what you can do between appointments to continue to improve (a bit like a combo PT and chiro)." - Jasmine, 32

"Thank you Dr Wolstenholme for helping me understand that my injury is not only treatable but preventable in the future. And I am taking your advice on monitoring dairy in my diet - big changes for me, but I already feel less inflammation!" - Emily, 29

"I hurt my back at 85lbs dead lifting and after working with Dr. Wolstenholme, I came back up to 95lbs! I chose to work exclusively with him and haven't used any other form of treatment. This is spinal awesomeness!" - Kendra, 38

"I am enjoying running for the first time in my life!" - Carol, 69

"Jason has relieved my pain and raised my awareness about how I respond to stress to avoid future injury. He listens closely, solves problems efficiently, and respects personal boundaries. My 6-year old daughter has seen Jason for hip pain, and we were surprised at her immediate trust in him." - Beth

"I have been doing CrossFit and biking for a while but was really struggling with running. I used to run quite a bit but recently running seemed so difficult and I felt clumsy and slow. With the techniques I learned I have improved a lot in the last 4 weeks ( 2 minutes per mile faster since last November. ) I am excited to keep trying to improve my form and get faster. Thanks for the encouragement and the great instruction!" - Sue, 57

"Jason has helped me on a number of occasions. I'm an "aging" athlete with chronic knee issues, but also one with other exercise-induced "traumas", with my back or elbows. Jason has consistently been able to help with pain and mobility issues. He also gives good "homework": exercises and practical self-care to aid the healing process and then ameliorate future crises. This is critical to continued health: restorative versus simply reparative." - David

"I've been a patient for about a year now. Every time I leave his office I feel amazing. Jason not only helps identify and fix the issue he provides education and exercises to help any issue you have. He's also great with runners and athletes, Jason provides exercises for improving what ever skill your working on in the gym and has great workshops!" - Corey, 27

"I sprained a rib joint in the winter and was in an extraordinary amount of pain. Jason was able to squeeze me in the next day and I was immediately relieved. He is really knowledgeable about sport related injury and takes his time with each client." - Alex

"Can't say enough good things. I first saw Jason for help reducing chronic pain and mobility limitations after major surgery. He resolved issues I'd been dealing with for years and thought I'd be stuck with for the rest of my life. He's also helped me manage training injuries (even fitting me in on race day for some last-minute, race-saving patch-up work), and provided regular treatment to keep me in good shape to manage an aggressive training schedule. Jason has done great work with my husband (ultrarunner) too, providing both outstanding treatment and advice." - Lauren

"All the vets he helps, a big THANK YOU for the great service he does for us. It is not ever taken for granted by me nor do I think anyone else he helps. You guys are great." - Tom
