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What is Functional Breathing Training?

  • Do you find yourself breathing through your mouth on a regular basis?
  • Do you feel breathless at rest or after a mild bout of exercise?  Do you struggle with recovery from exercise?
  • Do you wake up in the morning with a dry mouth?
  • Do you have poor sleep quality and wake up feeling exhausted after a full night of sleep?
  • Do find yourself frequently sighing or yawning?
  • Do you struggle with sleep apnea or asthma?
  • Do you experience high levels of stress and/or anxiety on a regular basis?

Functional breathing

Functional Breathing Training uses the methods from the Oxygen Advantage Program by Patrick McKeown.

Functional Breathing Training uses the methods from the Oxygen Advantage Program by Patrick McKeown. The benefits you may experience with this program may include and are not limited to:

  • Reduced Breathlessness
  • Increased Focus & Concentration
  • Increased Lung Volume
  • Increased Heart Rate Variability
  • Better Sleep Quality
  • Decreased Anxiety
  • Increased O2 Uptake
  • Increased Resilience

Over the course of this program, you will learn about the PHYSIOLOGY of Functional Breathing and understand the benefits that your body will experience when tolerating increased levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).  Carbon Dioxide isn't just a waste-product of respiration.

It plays an important role in many functions in your body along with regulating pH, triggering your body to breathe and helping Hemoglobin (Hg) release Oxygen to your cells.

People jogging

Man hiking on a snowy mountain

What does the program look like?

  • 6 weeks of weekly check-in visits either in-person or virtually.
  • Each visit will be about 45-minutes long and include a check-in around exercise adherence, perceived sleep quality, perceived daily stress and other findings noted throughout the week prior.
  • Breathing assessments done at the start and finish of each visit.
  • Exercise instruction and practice to ensure proper form and technique of the exercises given for that week.  

How do you sign-up?

Call MoveWell at 802-497-1002 or email us at [email protected] and schedule an initial visit with our Athletic Trainer, Michelle Black ATC - Certified Functional Breathing Instructor. 

You will need to complete the Oxygen Advantage Student Intake Form prior to your first visit.  

We request that your first visit is done in-person.  All others can be completed virtually if necessary.

Cost of 6-Week Program:  $540

Woman lifting weights
