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Meet Our Providers

Dr. Jason Wolstenholme, D.C. | Chiropractor

My philosophy: It's simple. Eat, Think, and Move Towards Wellness. I will help you learn how to move away from injury, illness, and disease and more towards balance, strength, and wellness.

Working with Athletes:

As an avid athlete, I understand the stressors and injuries that often accompany sports and fitness training and events. I use functional assessments to find imbalances in your body's movement, such as how your muscles push vs pull, upper body strength vs. lower body strength, range of motion left vs. right and your ability to hold a neutral spine during activity. There are hundreds if not thousands of lifestyle choices which, over years, create unbalanced strength and movement patterns. Ignoring your imbalances and continuing to train and get stronger may only mask the problem, which inevitably sets you up for a more severe injury down the road.

Dr. Jason Wolstenholme, D.C. | Chiropractor


Chiropractic care is a hands-on treatment that considers the whole person. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of back and neck conditions, pain, numbness, weakness or loss of motion in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches by focusing on spinal column and nervous system health. People will usually see a chiropractor for neuro-musculoskeletal health and pain reduction. When chiropractic care is determined to be the best treatment for you, the care plan will include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue treatment and movement training.




A lack of movement and increased stress on the spinal cord and supporting structures inhibits communication between your brain and the rest of your body, contributing less than optimal physical and emotional health.

Movement, particularly, spinal movement, stimulates the spinal cord and is involved in relaying messages to the cerebellum (the part of the brain at the back of the skull). The cerebellum is not only important for the coordination of our movement, balance and location, but also for the coordination of our moods, emotions, learning and visceral (organ) function and to decrease the stress response.

Medical and Fitness Background

  • Doctor of Chiropractic, New York Chiropractic College 2009
  • 12 years of experience as an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Personal Trainer, Spinning and Group Fitness Instructor
  • Natural Running Coach. (trained in ChiRunning and TrueForm Natural Running)
  • Transplant and Organ Donation Coordinator with The Center for Donation and Transplant
  • EMT-I with 18 years of pre-hospital patient care experience

Dr. Jason Wolstenholme, D.C. | Chiropractor

Dr. Jason Wolstenholme, D.C. | Chiropractor

Two people posing in front of a mountain on bikes

Michelle Black ATC, FMS, SFMA, FMT, PES | Athletic Trainer

Michelle Black ATC, FMS, SFMA, FMT, PES | Athletic Trainer

Michelle is a native Vermonter who grew up in Central Vermont and graduated from Harwood Union High School in Duxbury, Vermont in 1999. After taking a few years off from school, Michelle decided upon Athletic Training as a career and pursued her Bachelor of Science Degree at Castleton State College in Castleton, Vermont and graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2006.

Michelle spent two years as the Athletic Trainer at Spaulding High School before she returned to her High School Alma Mater and became the Asst. Athletic Director and Head Athletic Trainer at Harwood in 2008. Between 2009 and 2013, Michelle got married to her husband Jonathan and had two beautiful daughters. Her oldest daughter, Paige was born in 2010 and her youngest daughter Leah was born in 2013.

Michelle joined the MoveWell team in July of 2016 after she decided that she wanted to spend more time with her family and professionally specialize in Functional Movement, Corrective Exercise Rehabilitation and Instrument Assisted & Hands-On Soft Tissue Therapies. 

Michelle's most recent areas of interest are Functional Breathing Techniques and Intrinsic Foot Strength Strategies.

Meaghan Hindle

Meaghan Hindle | Athletic Trainer

Hi, my name is Meaghan Hindle, I am an Athletic Trainer, and I am the newest member of the MoveWell team! I moved to Vermont a little over 2 years ago. I love being outdoors, hiking in the mountains and swimming in the lakes. My purpose is to help my patients find ways to get back to their favorite activities. Exercising and taking care of our bodies is the key to enjoying it all! I am passionate about using proper movement to help you feel better and get stronger in your everyday life. 

I was a high-level athlete growing up, so I know what its like to work hard and push my body. I also know how important the other factors of health are, such as rest, sleep, nutrition, and recovery. I graduated with my Athletic Training degree, after doing extensive internships in various clinics and with many sports teams. I then pursued a master?s degree in Exercise Science, with a focus in neuromechanics and vestibular rehabilitation. I have a good understanding of all the body?s systems that work together to maximize rehabilitation and performance. 

Athletic Training Services

Upledger Craniosacral Therapy | Functional Movement AssessmentsFMS - Functional Movement Assessment | SFMA - Selective Functional Movement Assessment | Squat and Deadlift Assessment | Kettlebell Strength Techniques | Functional Movement Taping | FMT Rock Blades Soft Tissue Therapy | Supportive Therapeutic Exercises | Soft Tissue Release Techniques: Myofascial Release | Neuromuscular Facilitation | Active Release | Therapeutic Cupping | 3-D Digital Foot Scans & Assessment of Findings | Digital Posture Screens & Assessment of Findings





Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black

Michelle Black